April Thymes

Burnt Thyme- Beth Reed
2 min readMay 30, 2023

I missed posting for April Thymes and I am not totally sure why. I was busy wrapping up a new degree, traveling and working through some anxiety, but I love to write and want to get back to my monthly posts.

April slipped away, but as we almost close out May, I am determined not to miss another month. So as most Aprils go, it lends itself to plant in the garden and here is a mini tour of what I have been up to in my garden and tomorrow look for a new May Thyme recipe post:)

The thyme is flourishing in my garden and secret hint, I did nothing to it since last summer and it lasted all winter! (Albeit a mild NYC winter)

Garden Thyme

A special blueberry bush that was gifted to me a year ago and it producing blueberries!!!

Peas and cucumbers planted and started sprouting on Memorial Day Weekend!

Peas, beans and cucumbers planted

Mini homemade cardboard greenhouse for tomato seeds, curious to see if this will work…

Cardboard tomato seed starting

Comment with what you are planting!!



Burnt Thyme- Beth Reed

Instead of burning time worrying, I rather be in the kitchen surrounded by food and flavors. Facing anxiety through cooking and getting that burnt time back.