Bijdrage van Binati Sheth [video]

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Let me help you write that book you desire | A Ghostwriter for Nonfiction Projects

🚨This is your warning. Do not read further if you don't want unsolicited advice on media consumption. We spend a lot of our time doing things that don't bring us anything good. The media we consume affects us. 📚You wept as you read that book, 🪐Your eyes were spellbound when you saw that movie, 📺Everyone doubling over with laughter while watching that show, 😻Blissfully passing your transit time watching cute animal videos, All this media affects us positively. I have many gripes about the creator industry. Yes, the creator industry is media. We all spend enough time watching creators do their thing. All of this affects us. Every one of these products is designed to up user-dwell-time. You search for something, You spend time watching this something, You are shown more of these things. It doesn't matter whether you follow these accounts. If you consume it, they will show it. People complain about this a lot - I see content I don't enjoy on my feed. Stop clicking on this stuff then. You watch it, comment on it, the platform will see this as you spending time on the platform. These platforms know what they are doing. The creators 100% know what they are doing. As consumers, we should as well. Take some responsibility for your feed. Take charge of your feed. These platforms and creators are not going to take responsibility for your feed. The unsolicited advice comes now: 1. Use those mute buttons on content that annoys you. 2. Follow content (instead of creators). 3. Unfollow creators who make everything about them (only their thoughts, politics, ideology, view of life and other people, identity, et. al.). 4. Watch your screen-time like a hawk. I took charge of my feed during lockdown. None of the platforms brought me joy. All I saw was toxicity. I saw that stuff, felt better about myself, my trashy opinions were validated, and I repeated the cycle-of-complains the next day. This changed when I was forced to go without devices. The algorithms adjusted to no user inputs. When I returned, I typed in the things I wanted to see, things that interested me (Books, plants, history, puns, animals/birds/insects, art). It led me to interesting content. Passionate puffins as far as the eyes can see - puffins who inform you, inspire you, educate you, make you go, "WOW." They make you see the world for its beauty and ugliness, lead you to learn more by sharing sources and resources. Everything exists on the Internet. It is up to us to find it. Don't wait for your Platforms Charmings to rescue you. Slay that attention seeking dragon. Clean that feed by taking charge of what you consume and who you follow. Ya? Phew, what a long post! I warned you. Happy Scrolling. #SocialMedia #ContentConsumption #TheWritingCatalogue Video credit: Death becomes her If you can see a creator dancing to this song, celebrating their perfect-perfection, unfollow them immediately. Also lookout for the amount of 'I agrees'.

Geoff Woliner, CPCM 🇵🇾

Author, "The Path to Perfectia" series | El Jefe, World Tonger Federation™ | Founder, Winning Wit | Founding Member, Octopus Movement 🐙 | Host, "40 Going on 4" 🎙podcast | Speaker 🎤 | Terrible golfer 🏌️♂️

9 mnd

Thanks to you I now have wisdom like this and Japanese folk tales in my feed rather than hectoring dress-downs about why my silence is violence. Binati FTW 👏


Seiichiro Manabe 流浪の民 - 誰でもない、何処にもいない

9 mnd

Hungry? angry? agree!🙋

srikaanth sridhar

Writing and Editing Professional. published author of book Concise History of Danish East India Company.

9 mnd

Well said Binati Sheth its always up to us

Piyush Hirpara

Ghostwriter for busy SaaS Founders, CEOs, and Coaches | Saving you time by writing your LI posts + accelerating your community with comments | Top Voice

9 mnd

This unsolicited advices is golden nuggets. Great share Binati Sheth 🫴

Sreeja Vijayanathan

Communications Specialist, Host of Spiritual Journeys, Changemakers and Thought Leadership Podcasts Series on Swell

9 mnd

Responsible consumption: take charge of your feed and stop complaining. Brilliant piece of advice.

Denise B.

Brand strategist /Content writer/ Travel enthusiast

9 mnd

A wonderful reminder about consuming content wisely and Ignorance is bliss if one does not like others content. "Just scroll and move.

Dr. Hemang Shah 💡

LinkedIn Top Voice | I share insights on innovation and strategy | Incubate startups in India | Here to learn

9 mnd

Gold advice Binati!

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