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I am an ADHD coach who actually has ADHD.


I’m Jen,

I know what it is to struggle with racing thoughts, anxiety, feeling misunderstood, & not understanding why. People that didn’t know me growing up might have seen me as lazy, ditzy, messy and inconsiderate. I internalized that & picked up the mantra where they left off. I was stuck on a hamster wheel, unhappy with my career, and not moving forward for a while. I became even more miserable the longer I stayed untrue to myself & my dreams.

Like many ADHDers, women especially, I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood. I actually went in for anxiety, but soon realized itI as a symptom. I still have itI but I am able to manage it better now. When I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD, it explained my life’s story. I knew I was as intelligent as my successful peers, but didn’t know why I was behind. All those years of felling less than. All those years of hearing, "she just doesn't try hard enough." Eventually I didn't try hard enough. I would joke that I was ADD. I would even call it "pulling  Jen." Joke was on me, right?

I have finally learned to leave all of my intrusive, negative thoughts behind, & I am on a big mission to help you do the same. I know people say this, but I mean it!!!