Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 4:45

Are You a Chronic Quitter ? Don’t Quit

Are you stuck in a cycle of quitting? Break free, choose constant improvement. Embrace your limitless potential, step by step, leaving complacency behind. Best wishes on your journey!

quitting often means missing out chances to grow, trapping yourself in a cycle of disappointments #resilience #inspirationandadvice #selfimprovement

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:39
You. Giving up is not always a good option. Because, you know, like you rightly said, that if you quit once, it'll become very easy to quit again. So giving up is not really an option. Unless you've given your 200% and things are still not working out. Then maybe you could change your path and take up something new. But it shouldn't happen too often, because if it is happening, then it is time to question why you're doing that
