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Make Vulnerability Your Superpower to be a Better Parent, Partner, & Boss

Make Vulnerability Your Superpower to be a Better Parent, Partner, & Boss
Make Vulnerability Your Superpower to be a Better Parent, Partner, & Boss

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, we often have the urge to put up a strong front and present ourselves as invincible. But what if I told you that fully embracing vulnerability can make you a better parent, partner, and boss? 

The concept of vulnerability may seem counterintuitive in the Western world, which values strength and independence, but research has shown that being open about our feelings, weaknesses, and insecurities can lead to stronger connections and greater success in both personal and professional aspects of life. 

Young children often demonstrate a remarkable openness and freedom, wholeheartedly sharing their thoughts and emotions. Yet, as they navigate life and the journey of growing up, they may discover that the world can be a rather harsh, rejecting, and painful environment. They come to realize that not everyone is inherently supportive, and not every situation will unfold in their favor.

Would you recognize vulnerability if you saw it? Here's a glimpse into what it can look like in various situations:

  • Telling someone how you feel about them, despite the risk of rejection. This might feel like a leap of faith.

  • Opening up about past mistakes and owning up to them.

  • Breaking down barriers by revealing personal details you usually keep hidden.

  • Confronting challenging emotions like shame, grief, or fear head-on.

  • Asking for help.

  • Admitting when you don’t know the answer. 

  • Mending relationships with individuals you have drifted apart from.

  • Being genuinely honest about your needs in a relationship, including boundaries and expectations.

Strength or Weakness?

Vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, but ironically, being softer, more open, and admitting that you are not strong requires courage. It takes immense strength to be vulnerable, as it requires you to take risks and face the possibility of rejection or hurt. Vulnerability is a courageous act of stepping out of your comfort zone. Each moment you open authentically allows you to connect with others deeper. 

Building Impenetrable Relationships

Vulnerability, being open, and daring to be authentic all play a crucial role in creating deep, meaningful, reliable connections. Whether it's with your children, partners, or employees, opening up creates a sense of safety that is essential for any healthy relationship. When you show your true self, complete with flaws and imperfections, it permits others to do the same and helps to build a sense of empathy and understanding. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you are showing others that you trust them enough to share thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or ridicule. By doing so, you create a sense of camaraderie and empathy that fosters deeper connections with those around you. This willingness to be vulnerable can pave the way for more meaningful conversations and authentic relationships, ultimately leading to greater personal growth and happiness. 

Real World Experience

From my own experience as a parent, partner, and leader, I have seen the transformative effects of vulnerability firsthand. It has allowed me to connect with my children on a deeper level, resolve years of built-up frustration with my partner, strengthen relationships with my loved ones and friends, and create authentic work relationships both with my team and clients. Not only did being more vulnerable allow me to truly understand others and build strong bonds, but it also led to my personal growth and self-awareness. 

Common Fears and Barriers 

Many shy away from vulnerability due to deeply ingrained fears and barriers. One common fear is the fear of rejection, which can make you hesitant to share your true feelings or the truth about a situation that didn’t go well with others. Negative or unresolved life experiences often lead us to put up emotional walls and withhold who we are. By cultivating self-awareness and creating a supportive environment, we can start to address and overcome these obstacles to vulnerability.

Tips for New Interactions

Being a person who is open and transparent about feelings or weaknesses can feel intimidating in a world that often values strength and stoicism. You can lean into this concept by starting small with actions such as:

  1. Sharing a personal story or talking about your fear(s) with a trusted friend.

  2. Balancing your responses to people with stories of success coupled with stories about failure or admitting the moments when you were disappointed or afraid. 

  3. Practicing active listening and empathy to create a safe space for others to open up to you.

  4. Refraining from trying to prove yourself, embellishing, or lying about the details of a situation to make yourself look better. 

  5. Embracing our messy and imperfect selves by releasing expectations of perfection.

  6. Apologizing to others for situations that didn’t go well or when you said something hurtful. Do this with no other agenda but to clear the air.

Vulnerability may seem like a scary concept at first, but it is truly a strength that we should all strive to embrace. By allowing yourself to be open and authentic, you’ll create space for growth and connection in your life. As always, I invite you to join me for Deep Work Fast on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, which is also available for replay on our YouTube Channel, as we continue our journey towards personal growth and development together.

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