
Add Your Story

Tap on the prompt to tell your story.

Check back every Thursday for new prompts, each covering a different aspect of your journey to College.
Please download the Swell app and then tap on the prompt to tell your story.

Check back every Thursday for new prompts, each covering a different aspect of your journey to College.


Get the Swell app to add your story.

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If you know someone who may have a story to add to this page, or would simply enjoy listnening to some of these stories, please share this page with them. Thank you!

Request a Storytelling Page

If you would like to see a similar storytelling page on another topic, please let us know at stories@swell.life.

About Swell

Swell is a San Francisco based audio storytelling platform that fosters social connections and engagement through sharing of life experiences and perspectives. No experience necessary, if you can talk on the phone you can use Swell.

Swell Prompts and Storytelling Pages