Where I don’t make a positive difference

What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

Argumentative interaction benefits no one

Facebook is not an actual place, as we all know, but the social media icon is where many rumors begin, lies are embellished, and feelings are trampled. People accumulate, finding others who agree with them and argue with those who do not. There are a lot of media resources that do the same thing, whether Twitter (or X), Instagram, TikTok, or any other faceless way to leave marks in history. It’s all people contributing their own take to the news channels, right?

My take is a vow of visiting to uplift or aid others and steer clear of arguing. Each person is entitled to the opinion which they hold. It’s not my right to call them out. With this in mind, I will never set foot in arguing, or even confronting someone for their beliefs via social media.

5 thoughts on “Where I don’t make a positive difference

      1. I said “easy”, but my fomo flares up sometimes. And then, there are times when I feel like I’ve been sucked into a vortex of obscurity. But those are momentary, and when compared to the general peace I have, are pretty insignificant.

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  1. I couldn’t agree more. Social media can be a place where misunderstandings and conflicts arise easily. Your commitment to using it positively, to uplift and support others, is commendable. It’s important to respect everyone’s opinions and avoid unnecessary arguments. Thanks for sharing your perspective. -ArConsultings.org

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